Want it all

Want Intensity. Want Indulgence.

Want Intensity. Want to stretch your limits, to relish in discomfort. What happens when you teeter at your edges, and dare to keep going? Want a pressurized push towards new extremes. Want Intensity. Want Indulgence. Indulgence originally meant “to forgive yourself.” It’s okay to indulge — to bask in teeming sensorial pleasure and to forgive yourself after. Want Indulgence. Want to stretch yourself, then want to forgive yourself after. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.
Want Intensity. Want to stretch your limits, to relish in discomfort. What happens when you teeter at your edges, and dare to keep going? Want a pressurized push towards new extremes. Want Intensity. Want Indulgence. Indulgence originally meant “to forgive yourself.” It’s okay to indulge — to bask in teeming sensorial pleasure and to forgive yourself after. Want Indulgence. Want to stretch yourself, then want to forgive yourself after. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.

Want Stasis. Want Speed.

Want Stasis. Stillness. Equilibrium. Want the moment where you recognize how far you’ve come. Want to luxuriate in the quiet you’ve earned. Want Stasis. Want Speed. The hair-raising, heart-thumping ecstasy of hot asphalt and leather, motor oil and smoking rubber. Want the whipped hair. Want the blurred cityscape. Want Speed. Want the moment and the momentum. It’s okay to want both. It’s okay to want it all. Want it all.
Want Stasis. Stillness. Equilibrium. Want the moment where you recognize how far you’ve come. Want to luxuriate in the quiet you’ve earned. Want Stasis. Want Speed. The hair-raising, heart-thumping ecstasy of hot asphalt and leather, motor oil and smoking rubber. Want the whipped hair. Want the blurred cityscape. Want Speed. Want the moment and the momentum. It’s okay to want both. It’s okay to want it all. Want it all.

Want Yourself. Want Others.

Want Yourself. Navigate the frontiers of your inner landscape. Bow down to your wolf senses. Find the weird parts and plant your flag there. Want to find your own way through. Want to belong to you alone. Want Yourself. Want Others. Want we. Want us. Because we go further together. To feel the spark of connection, the pulse, the heat, of intimacy. To explore the places where we overlap, and the tensions where we don’t. Want Others. Want it alone and want it together. Want it all.
Want Yourself. Navigate the frontiers of your inner landscape. Bow down to your wolf senses. Find the weird parts and plant your flag there. Want to find your own way through. Want to belong to you alone. Want Yourself. Want Others. Want we. Want us. Because we go further together. To feel the spark of connection, the pulse, the heat, of intimacy. To explore the places where we overlap, and the tensions where we don’t. Want Others. Want it alone and want it together. Want it all.

Want Excess. Want Restraint.

Want Excess. Want your cup to runneth over. Want too much. And then want more. Want both, want and. Want a life borne from yes. Want Excess. Want Restraint. With limits come limitlessness. Want less, but better. Want the unspoken, the space between the notes. Want to hold out for what’s yours. There’s beauty in the long game. Want Restraint. Want more and less. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.
Want Excess. Want your cup to runneth over. Want too much. And then want more. Want both, want and. Want a life borne from yes. Want Excess. Want Restraint. With limits come limitlessness. Want less, but better. Want the unspoken, the space between the notes. Want to hold out for what’s yours. There’s beauty in the long game. Want Restraint. Want more and less. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.

Want Softness. Want Strength.

Want Softness. The tender edge, a kinder heart, the subtle shift. Want to resist a world that asks for hardness. Want to bask in fog, in blur, in plush. Want Softness. Want Strength. Want the blood and the sinew. Want the raw power to reach further, to lift higher, to think differently. Want the courage to fight. The fortitude to endure. Want Strength. Want the Strength to want the Softness. Want it all.
Want Softness. The tender edge, a kinder heart, the subtle shift. Want to resist a world that asks for hardness. Want to bask in fog, in blur, in plush. Want Softness. Want Strength. Want the blood and the sinew. Want the raw power to reach further, to lift higher, to think differently. Want the courage to fight. The fortitude to endure. Want Strength. Want the Strength to want the Softness. Want it all.

Want Pain. Want Pleasure.

Want Pain. The lactic acid burning in your thighs, the ache beneath the rib cage, the sharp kick towards your edges. Pain is a symbol of transformation. A sign you’re alive. Want to feel it. Want Pain. Want Pleasure. A lover’s touch, a jump in cold water, a Eucalytpus steam room. Pleasure, a radical multi-sensory notion in a world that champions the numb and frictionless. Want to feel it. Want Pleasure. Want to feel everything. Want it all.
Want Pain. The lactic acid burning in your thighs, the ache beneath the rib cage, the sharp kick towards your edges. Pain is a symbol of transformation. A sign you’re alive. Want to feel it. Want Pain. Want Pleasure. A lover’s touch, a jump in cold water, a Eucalytpus steam room. Pleasure, a radical multi-sensory notion in a world that champions the numb and frictionless. Want to feel it. Want Pleasure. Want to feel everything. Want it all.

Want Vice. Want Vigor.

Want Vice. Fall off your moral high horse. See what you find at the bottom. There is no such thing as good or bad, but self-judgment makes it so. Free yourself. Want your wicked. Want Vice. Want Vigor. Embody a lifeforce that’s the stuff of legend. Drenched in vitality, dripping in bloom. Want blood in your veins. Want power behind your voice. Want Vigor. Want darkness and a lighter light. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.
Want Vice. Fall off your moral high horse. See what you find at the bottom. There is no such thing as good or bad, but self-judgment makes it so. Free yourself. Want your wicked. Want Vice. Want Vigor. Embody a lifeforce that’s the stuff of legend. Drenched in vitality, dripping in bloom. Want blood in your veins. Want power behind your voice. Want Vigor. Want darkness and a lighter light. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.

Want Calm. Want Chaos.

Want Calm. Can you hear it? The shh-shh-shh of your heart beat? The ocean tides of your breath? Sit here for a moment, listening, while the rest of the world swirls darkly around you. Calm is strength under control. Be here for it. Want Calm. Want Chaos. In Sun Tzu's The Art of War, the author says, “in the midst of chaos, you find opportunity.” What happens when you court chaos? Embrace the void, the madness, the mess, and find new methods of disruption there. Want Chaos. Want the silence and the noise. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.
Want Calm. Can you hear it? The shh-shh-shh of your heart beat? The ocean tides of your breath? Sit here for a moment, listening, while the rest of the world swirls darkly around you. Calm is strength under control. Be here for it. Want Calm. Want Chaos. In Sun Tzu's The Art of War, the author says, “in the midst of chaos, you find opportunity.” What happens when you court chaos? Embrace the void, the madness, the mess, and find new methods of disruption there. Want Chaos. Want the silence and the noise. You don’t have to choose. Want it all.