Khaleah London
Name: Khaleah London
Location: EQX+
Title: Group Fitness Instructor, Lead Instructor
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
Inequity is an actuality in every major facet of our society. As an African American woman, I live in the face of adversities in respect to both my race, and my gender. Women’s History Month, is a positive effort towards sharing vital, lost, or unknown information that brings forth - awareness; hopefully from there, the awareness to a receptive mind leads to right some wrongs, provoke thought for change, and inspires to set new paths.
What makes you feel hopeful?
Any and every genuine conversation, with truth and enlightenment makes me hopeful. Knowledge along with accountability and willingness (even if sometimes uncomfortable or vulnerable) allows significant, and powerful progress to occur for everyone.
How does movement impact your life?
Movement impacts my life as an instructor and professional performing artist, because it is an inclusive, nonverbal universal language. Whether through empowerment with depth, or, relieving / releasing energy with levity - movement is a magnificent mechanism that within the moment of occurrence - unifies us all. Personally, movement is in integral to a sense of balance, that is required in every aspect of my life. In this constant changing world of challenges, moving in the temple I dwell in, effectively and efficiently, maintains homeostasis for the mind, body and spirit.

Name: Chelsea Aguiar
Location: EQX+
Title: Lead Instructor, Precision Run
IG: @chelsea.aguiar
Photographer Credit: @peetigga
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
Women's History Month lasts all year long in my world, especially since I became a mother to a daughter. The history written and built by the women of the world is what enables me to live the life of my choosing. It makes it possible for me to dream big, to be ambitious and to know, in my bones, that I am capable of accomplishing anything I dedicate myself to. Insurmountable mountains have been conquered before - it's on us to continue the climb.
What makes you feel hopeful?
I say this all the time - the past no longer exists and the future is a figment of our imagination. The only thing that is real is this moment, this breath. What we choose to do with this moment is what shapes and builds our future. We always have a choice and there is real power in that. Remembering this always leaves me with feelings of hope and optimism because I know that I am not powerless.
Which women—whether in history, pop culture, or in your personal life—inspire you and why?
One of my personal heroes is Frida Khalo. She broke every rule there was for women at the time and she did it unapologetically, with grace, confidence and a uniquely femenine flair. I keep photos of her and prints of her painting in my home as a reminder to myself of how I want to walk through the world.
How does movement impact your life?
Movement is sacred to me. Growing up as a dancer I used to say that the ballet bar was my church pew and plies were my prayers. Now, no matter where I'm training or whatever movement modality I may be exploring, I bring the same level of respect and reverence to that space and to that moment. The human body is absolutely incredible and its ability to adapt is unmatched in nature. Every time we physically express ourselves, get our hearts pumping, sweat pouring and breath racing, we are paying tribute to life itself.

Name: Christa Dipaolo
Title: Equinox, Creator, The Cut
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
Being a female entrepreneur, I think it's vital to celebrate the wins of fierce females who've contributed to making strides in our society. No matter how big or small the contribution, all of these victories collectively make our world a better place. So nothing makes me happier than applauding hard-working women who are making a positive impact for future generations!
Which women—whether in history, pop culture, or in your personal life—inspire you and why?
My mom is my biggest inspiration! After my parents' divorce, I had the opportunity to witness my mom's strength and selflessness. She worked multiple jobs and often went without ensuring I had a wonderful childhood. After years of struggling, she eventually started her own business and opened a dance studio. Watching her tenacity and work ethic has played a positive role in my adulthood and inspired me to become an entrepreneur. I also have my mom to thank for introducing me to dance and movement at such a young age!
How does movement impact your life?
Movement is my therapy. Fitness, especially boxing and kickboxing, is essential for combatting my anxiety. Personally, there is nothing more cathartic and therapeutic than punching and kicking!

Rika Henry
Name: Rika Henry
Location: Equinox New York
Title: Group Fitness Instructor, Group Fitness Manager
IG: @rikahenryyoga
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
It means a celebration of women’s contribution to society, culture and history. I am proud to be an Asian American woman in the wellness industry.
What makes you feel hopeful?
Women have become more and more prominent and successful in positions previously dominated by men.
Which women—whether in history, pop culture, or in your personal life—inspire you and why?
My grandmother. She passed away at 105 in Shanghai last year, I couldn’t say my farewell due to travel restrictions. She was the most resilient woman I know. Born to a wealthy family, when Chinese communists stripped everything she had, including dignity, she kept the whole family going. I learned so many life lessons from her since I was child, She made me a strong woman.
How does movement impact your life?
Movement is the most important part of my daily life. I cannot imagine a day without moving my body. It makes me feel alive, makes my mind and body strong.

Taylor Phillips
Name: Taylor Phillips
Location: EQX+
Title: Pilates Trainer and Pilates Manager, Lead Instructor
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
This is a great time to recognize all of the women who've paved the way for our success. Including the women who inspire us daily to evolve and become better versions of ourselves.
What makes you feel hopeful?
We're now living in a world where more and more women are being recognized for all of our contributions, whether it's at home, in the office, or on a global scale. I see women (and men!) supporting women. This gives me tremendous hope for my own daughter and future generations of women.
Which women—whether in history, pop culture, or in your personal life—inspire you and why?
I'm feel incredibly grateful to sit at a table with some of the most empowering, evolved, and inspiring women. Whether it's at my Equinox home club that has a powerhouse of women leading it, to my own mother who survived cancer and overcame a long battle with addiction, I feel the incredible impact of these women daily.

Name: Ilaria Montagnani
Location: Equinox New York
Title: Group Fitness Instructor
IG: @powerstrike
What does Women’s History month mean to you?
I feel that is a little sad we need to have a month to recognize and celebrate “women”. But I welcome the opportunity to learn more about all women throughout history.
What makes you feel hopeful?
Seeing everyday through my work and my classes that people are willing to work hard and are ok to be challenged. We need to give ourselves more credit and demand from ourselves more.
Sometimes we let ourselves down, but I know there’s so much more inside of us that can make us rise to “occasion”, we just need to believe in us and embrace that hard work is ok, it makes us stronger.
Which women—whether in history, pop culture, or in your personal life—inspire you and why?
There are many women that I look up to, they don’t have to be famous. Women that have fought for equality in a world where men are still seen as the "main character”, like in politics, sports and economics, those women I will always look up to. My mom and grandmothers have always inspired me, anyone that has a full time job and also is a mom raising a family (like my mom) inspires me. So much sacrifice and hard work, moms are the real heroes.
How does movement impact your life?
Movement is my life. Movement keeps us healthy physically and mentally, it is the most underestimated cure to a lot of problems. I believe we are better people if we include movement in our everyday life. "Move your body and your mind will follow" has been my motto all these years, sometimes when we are stuck, one of the best way to find our way out is to put one foot in front of the other and start moving - it can be just a walk or a hard training class/session at the gym, and the benefits will go way beyond just the physical body.

Deena Pierce
Name: Deena Pierce
Location: Equinox London
Title: Group Fitness Instructor
IG: @piercedeena
What does Women's History Month mean to you?
It's imperative that we celebrate the history behind women's achievements. This acknowledgment is fuel to women around the world who may be hesitant to explore their passions because of their gender. Women that pioneered in areas that are close to my heart such as writing and public health research have given me courage to keep pushing forward. Though we have made significant progress in the past century, we still have work to do, especially in fields that are male dominated. This month is a time for us women to be inspired to take future risks within society to achieve things that would help future generations.
What makes you feel hopeful?
The speed of change can be slow, but now more than ever there are women speaking up for themselves and encouraging our generation to push forward and demand a place in society. Witnessing this and reflecting on the accomplishments of strong women gives me hope, and makes me hopeful for the future generation.
Which women inspire you and why?
Maya Angelou has always been one of biggest inspirations. She inspired both women and African Americans to overcome race and gender discrimination. She proved that women are multifaceted and that our powerful voices are meant to be heard. One of my favourite quotes of hers is "Nothing will work unless you do".
How does movement impact your life?
Movement has been my savour many times in my life. When I move, I am back in control. I am confident. I am free. My perspective always shifts in the right direction, and I walk away knowing that I did something for myself that couldn't be given to me.