Cleanse your palate.
Lemon verbena has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Here, it flavors a palate-cleansing granita. If you can’t find the plant, swap in lemongrass or just use extra mint. Prep this tonight for a light dessert tomorrow.

My favorite films: David Siik
Whether you’ve been running more than usual or have taken a hiatus, these movies will amp your love for the sport, says David Siik, creator of Precision Run.
- Without Limits (1998): “There are several versions of the story of Steve Prefontaine, but this is the best one in my opinion.”
- Spirit of The Marathon (2007): “This is an incredible documentary of both amateurs and elites training for the Chicago Marathon that everyone should see.”
-McFarland USA (2015): “For those that like something a little more recent, this is such a great underdog story.”
- Breaking2 (2017): “This science-rich documentary follows the Nike squad attempting to break two hours in the marathon.”

Picture a stranger.
In isolation, it’s easy to default to the mindset of “I’m all alone,” says Nanika Coor, Psy.D., therapist at Brooklyn Parent Therapy. Feel more connected with this three-step process:
1. Acknowledge your emotions. 'I’m having a really hard time right now.'
2. Remember that tough times are a fact of life—for everyone.
3. Imagine someone (a friend or stranger) who may be sharing your feelings in that moment, and mentally be with them. 'We’re struggling, but we’ll get through it.'