Showering daily, or even twice if you work out later in the day, helps remove excess oils, sweat, dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt, which could clog pores leading to acne and folliculitis (infected hair follicles), says Melissa Levin, M.D., a New York City-based dermatologist and clinical instructor at Mount Sinai. But, frequent showers can irritate sensitive skin, drying out your body’s biggest organ. “For some people, the extra showering can strip the natural oils off the skin and lead to over-drying, itching, flaking, and redness," says John G. Zampella, M.D., a dermatologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. If you notice any of these symptoms, try replacing every other shower with a quick wipe-down to see if they improve.

All showers should be less than five minutes, says Levin. Otherwise, you risk the same over-drying of your skin that occurs with too-frequent showering. If you work out twice a day, or enjoy a morning rinse and then a post-workout shower later in the day, cap these showers at three minutes, Zampella says.

Aim for lukewarm rather than hot water, suggests Levin. Your skin, Zampella says, makes its own natural moisturizers that get stripped away every time you wash with hot water, drying it out. (It's like washing dishes with hot, soapy water to get the grease off; hot, soapy water removes the skin's natural moisturizers.) You could also consider alternating between hot and cold water (which is less dehydrating) for a cryotherapy effect that has regen abilities.

“You should never shower while wearing contacts,” says Brittney J. Mazza, O.D., an optometry and contact lens service specialist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. Here’s why: Microbes naturally found in water can be easily absorbed into the matrix of contact lenses. “These intrusive ‘bugs’ have the ability to cause sight-threatening eye infections,” says Mazza. Even if you wear daily lenses, eye doctors say it’s fine to place them in solution while you shower after a workout, and then put them back in afterwards.