Here, her go-to tracks:

What does a high-performance life mean to you?
To me, a high-performance life is when you are running on all cylinders and you're doing everything you want to do as a balanced person. You're getting enough time to play all the roles that you need to play. For me, it’s being a mom, being a songwriter, being creative, working on physical exercising, and working on spiritual exercises.

What do you view as some of your biggest accomplishments?
I always feel like I’m a work in progress. In looking back, I have always stuck to who I’ve always been; staying true to who I am. I also feel proud to be a songwriter. It’s one of the most challenging things that I’ve done. When I listen back to the songs I’ve written, they really capture times in my life that have been whatever I was going through at the time. When those feelings translate and mean something to someone else and when I meet someone and they say, “I love that song,” or “I related to that song, or “I listen to your music and it helped me,”—that is what makes me feel proud.