In honor of our 2022 campaign, Life is the Luxury, we spoke with one of its stars: actor, model and dancer Loic Mabanza.

ON THE DEFINITION OF LIFE... “I define life as a journey [during which] you get to discover not only yourself but people and things that you can have access to. [Just as] you can reach certain destinations by traveling, you can reach a certain potential and a certain life. Life is a matter of interpretation.” ON THE VALUE OF LIFE... “I value life because I almost lost it. I know what it is to be on the verge of it. I also value life because there are so many positive, amazing things that come [with] it. You can develop yourself, find love, choose to love, find passion and ambition, and create a life that can be beneficial for other people. I think there's a reward for helping, inspiring, and leaving a legacy. [It’s important to] enjoy every single thing and be grateful for everything you have because nothing is promised and it's a luxury just to be able to live.” ON LUXURY... “To me, luxury can be either what is valuable in terms of material or it can be what you’re grateful for. Health is a luxury because this is the most important thing that we have. It can make or break your life. Comfort is a luxury. Getting to do what you want is a luxury. Luxury is something that you have to be grateful for because without that, there’s no value.” ON WHAT IGNITES HIM... “Everything I'm passionate about. I love creating [and] expressing myself in an artistic way. Challenges [ignite me]. I’m a person who loves to be challenged, it drives me and makes me grow. Nothing is perfect so excellence is the next best thing. Striving for excellence ignites the fire in me.” ON HEALTHY HABITS... “I got into [the] healthy habit of doing everything that makes me happy. I optimize my life to be as joyful as possible because that’s the only thing I can control. I try to have a social circle that is healthy for me with good energy. I make sure that I talk to or see the people that I’m close to or that are part of my life. I also do things that I'm passionate about, like moving, dancing, and listening to my favorite music.”