1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

Reach your running goals—no matter the distance. Whether you’re preparing for your first race or your next marathon, find your stride with 1:1 in-Club training, personalized for you by a private certified COACH.

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*Ensure your membership allows access to the Club you select before booking.
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1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

Equinox offers a new approach to train toward a personal best, a first big race, or simply a way to become a better runner.
Equinox offers a new approach to train toward a personal best, a first big race, or simply a way to become a better runner.


With 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching, your COACH combines their deep expertise in race training with their world-class personal training background to guide you through a customized program to help you realize your running potential.


Training for a race isn’t just about miles; it’s about running smarter and stronger. Our individualized approach to programming incorporates the best of Equinox's strength, conditioning, cross training, and regeneration.


Unlike other run programs, 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching is rooted in our proprietary interval-based running methodology. Grounded in science, our Precision Run® Methodology balances speed, incline, duration, and recovery to optimize performance while reducing stress on the body.

The Future of Running is Here

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  • 1:1 Precision Run® Coaching

    Unlock 1:1 training with our certified Precision Run® COACHES. Sharpen your form. Ignite your speed. Dominate every run.

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